Saturday, July 18, 2009

updates and love

So after forgetting our password, we are finally in!!

We had our first jamz in about 3 weeks and it was rockin'!!!  JP had his gypsy foot was in full effect, Yogi's amps were functioning, loud and he tried some move that he saw somewhere that was quickly dismissed as "emo" (we love you Yogi!), and Julia was rockin' her new black hair despite the battery in her Fulltone dying. She rectified the situation by just plugging in her BigMuff which did the trick just fine.  We are officially preparing for our shows coming up in the late summer and upcoming fall.

Personal updates!
Julia is finally out of retirement and back in the game = off the couch and working.
JP is still Mr. Moneybags and shaved his hair!
Yogi is working hard on paying off his gear ADD.

We should be playing Montreal this fall, and of course Toronto and Ottawa at the end of August.  Check out our myspace:

Finally, we are mourning the loss of our dear cousin Laura (L-Dog) and dear friend Tom (The Muscle) who left us way too young.  You knew how to truly rock out with a kick and extended pointed toe.  We will truly miss you.

If you can't take the rock, go home!
