Monday, November 23, 2009

HOLY SHIT!! Best punk/metal/hard rock band of 2009!!! = Special Band Outing!!


We were shocked but pleasantly tickled to hear that we had won the Best punk/metal/hard rock band of 2009 in the Ottawa Xpress readers' poll.

We are definitely grateful and humbled from this. Thanks to all who voted for us, you are awesome!

So to celebrate we decided to have a band outing! After our jam practice we all headed down to the ol' Maverick's to see our best budz Priestess kill the stage with a killer set and got the chance to see and hear the metal madness of L.A.'s Early Man. We missed most of Trigger Effect but there was drinking, moshing, interlocking of devil horns and lots of top-of-lungs singing! Ottawa truly came out that night and showed their metal colours!

See you all at the Army of Saint Joan cassette release on December 11t at Babylon!



Saturday, November 14, 2009

SHOWS SHOWS SHOWS!!!!!!!/Record update

We have some shows coming up before the end of the year!

Friday, December 11th at Babylon Nightclub (Bank street), we are playing at the Army of Saint-Joan cassette release along with our producer Ian Blurton's, new project Ian Blurton + Huron=Happy Endings and finally with the awesome Ottawa band Mountanaka.  We play 3rd, but come out and hang out for the whole thing, it's going to rock your socks off!!!

Sunday December 27th it's BRUISE FEST at Maverick's (Rideau street near the beer store), presented by our favorite Ottawa music store Spaceman Music.  We will be headlining with the help of Daquiri, Alaskan and A Darker Day. 10$  

Monday December 28th is a holiday if you work for the government, so you have no excuse not to come out and ROCK!!!!

So, if you are wondering what is happening with our record, well Ian Blurton is doing the final mixes, and tweeking it in Toronto, so we should be getting it soon. 


Monday, October 5, 2009



Our show at Barfly in Montreal was unfortunately cancelled.  We backed out of the show seeing as there were 3 bands, and for such a small venue it was better to only have two.  We figured that since Broken Ohms were coming from a way farther land than us, we let them have the show with the dudes from Dutch Oven.  We hope to destroy the Barfly one day soon!

So... no shows on the horizon yet, so we are totally concentrating on our record.  We got our first mixes two weeks ago so we are listening and taking notes to send it back to our friend and producer Ian Blurton so that he can tweek it and make it more awesome than what it is already!

We also have some well connected friends who are helping us with maybe some label support...and that's all we are saying for now.

We are also excited about Priestess' new record "Prior to the Fire" coming out on October 20th!!  Make sure to go get it, we hear they sing about warewolves....yikes!  It's going to be HEAVY!



Saturday, July 18, 2009

updates and love

So after forgetting our password, we are finally in!!

We had our first jamz in about 3 weeks and it was rockin'!!!  JP had his gypsy foot was in full effect, Yogi's amps were functioning, loud and he tried some move that he saw somewhere that was quickly dismissed as "emo" (we love you Yogi!), and Julia was rockin' her new black hair despite the battery in her Fulltone dying. She rectified the situation by just plugging in her BigMuff which did the trick just fine.  We are officially preparing for our shows coming up in the late summer and upcoming fall.

Personal updates!
Julia is finally out of retirement and back in the game = off the couch and working.
JP is still Mr. Moneybags and shaved his hair!
Yogi is working hard on paying off his gear ADD.

We should be playing Montreal this fall, and of course Toronto and Ottawa at the end of August.  Check out our myspace:

Finally, we are mourning the loss of our dear cousin Laura (L-Dog) and dear friend Tom (The Muscle) who left us way too young.  You knew how to truly rock out with a kick and extended pointed toe.  We will truly miss you.

If you can't take the rock, go home!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Our upcoming Record

Hi everybody!!!

We just finished recording our second record with producer extraordinaire Ian Blurton and now have sent it to him in Toronto for him to mix it.  We had an awesome recording blitz experience with Blurton during our weekend "band camp" at the Meatlocker in mid-april.  It took us a day and a half to put down the beds, then the rest fell into place.  Julia sang for about 4 hours straight on the last day and thankfully did not lose her voice.  We then spent the last 2 months putting the extra guitar, Yogi and JP's vocals and cleaning things up.  Our good friend Dan Watchorn from Priestess came in as well to lay down a vocal track in a duet with Julia. The song was written with his voice in mind and it turned out perfectly! 

Highlights included:

Blurton worked hard as some of us (JP and Yogi) watched.

We had an Oboe player come in and laid down a tracks, as well as Tom Thomson, pedal steel guitar player who laid down some killer tracks on three of the songs.

Drunken times and delicious food were had.  The last night Yogi and Julia disappeared sober upstairs to kitchen to leave Blurton to work alone but returned to the studio an hour later drunk.  Julia decided to molest the mannequin as Blurton worked.

"I knew there was stuff going on behind me, but I was too afraid to turn around" Ian Blurton.

The Ottawa Citizen newspaper came by to take a picture of us on the second day.  You can see the article and our hung over glows here: 

Now that the record is done and sent for Blurton to mix, we are working on playing tonnes of shows and hopefully finding a record label to help us release the record.

For now we are playing:

August 28, 2009 in Toronto, Ontario at The Dakota Tavern with our friends The Mercy Now and Starvin' Hungry and then the next night August 29th at The Dominion Tavern in Ottawa, Ontario.

See you there!